Neon Genesis Evangelion, or NGE for short is a Japanese animated series which debut around 1995. Had its run in Toonami and Adult Swim (if you remember)
A young kid named Shinji gets called upon by his estranged father to the city for a task, for which his dad is a head of operations for NERV. Gigantic bio-machines called Evas are the protectors of the city against Angels, and Shinji is instructed to pilot Eva Unit 01. Aided and housed by Mistato Katsuragi, he goes through regular adolescence issues, meeting new characters along the way, and dealing with emotional baggage brought upon by meeting his father.
I grew up watching cartoons as a young'un and whilst living in the Philippines we lacked cable nor any premium TV for that matter but what we did have are after-school and Saturday morning animes; and boy was that shit cash. Giant robots!? Dragon Ball Z!? Gundams?! YuYu Hakusho?! Fuck those shows were awesome.
Anime or cartoons in general was always there, it grew up with me and if I were to personify cartoons, it'd be the cool neighbor kid who would ride bikes with you after school until supper. Cartoons shaped the way I think (really) and in a way made me more open to other stuff. For example, I used to watch Dexter's Lab and the premises, jokes, shenanigans, life lessons entertained me so nowadays thanks to Boomerang I get to re-watch the old episodes.
Now that I'm older and learnt (well, to an extent anyways) the old cartoons had some very adult undertones unbeknownst to juvenile minds, almost every kids show from the old had some great humor and wit that never dulls! Aside from all that, cartoons piqued my interests to doodle, then, draw, and now paint.
They helped me shape my art and find my voice, in short: thank you based god for cartoons.
A young kid named Shinji gets called upon by his estranged father to the city for a task, for which his dad is a head of operations for NERV. Gigantic bio-machines called Evas are the protectors of the city against Angels, and Shinji is instructed to pilot Eva Unit 01. Aided and housed by Mistato Katsuragi, he goes through regular adolescence issues, meeting new characters along the way, and dealing with emotional baggage brought upon by meeting his father.
I grew up watching cartoons as a young'un and whilst living in the Philippines we lacked cable nor any premium TV for that matter but what we did have are after-school and Saturday morning animes; and boy was that shit cash. Giant robots!? Dragon Ball Z!? Gundams?! YuYu Hakusho?! Fuck those shows were awesome.
Anime or cartoons in general was always there, it grew up with me and if I were to personify cartoons, it'd be the cool neighbor kid who would ride bikes with you after school until supper. Cartoons shaped the way I think (really) and in a way made me more open to other stuff. For example, I used to watch Dexter's Lab and the premises, jokes, shenanigans, life lessons entertained me so nowadays thanks to Boomerang I get to re-watch the old episodes.
Now that I'm older and learnt (well, to an extent anyways) the old cartoons had some very adult undertones unbeknownst to juvenile minds, almost every kids show from the old had some great humor and wit that never dulls! Aside from all that, cartoons piqued my interests to doodle, then, draw, and now paint.
They helped me shape my art and find my voice, in short: thank you based god for cartoons.
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